This page is totally full of MSW Logo programs I have made. It will eventually include:
- Programs made in the normal mode
- Programs which write text in the commander
- Programs and commands which write text in the normal area
- Screenshots
- Multiple Turtles
- Comands used
Most of the programs are made in 'eddal'! Feel free to experiment with them!
Programs made in the normal mode Back to Top
to bluecircle setpencolor [0 0 255] repeat 2880 [rt 0.125 fd 50 bk 50] end to goldcircle setpencolor [223 200 33] repeat 2880 [rt 0.125 fd 50 bk 50] end to greencircle setpencolor [0 255 0] repeat 2880 [rt 0.125 fd 50 bk 50] end to redcircle setpencolor [255 0 0] repeat 2880 [rt 0.125 fd 50 bk 50] end to circle :r :g :b :length setpencolor (List :r :g :b) repeat 2880 [rt 0.125 fd :length bk :length] end To 1halfpattern :r :g :b :x :y pu setpos (List :x :y) setpencolor (List :r :g :b) repeat 35 [pd repeat 80 [rt 1 fd 1] rt 140 pu fd 76 rt 10] pd repeat 80 [rt 1 fd 1] pu setpos (List :x :y) pd End To 2halfinsideoutpattern :r :g :b :x :y pu setpos (List :x :y) setpencolor (List :r :g :b) repeat 35 [pd repeat 80 [lt 1 fd 1] rt 140 pu fd 76 rt 10] pd repeat 80 [lt 1 fd 1] pu setpos (List :x :y) pd End To 2halfpattern :r :g :b :x :y pu setpos (List :x :y) setpencolor (List :r :g :b) repeat 35 [pd repeat 80 [lt 1 fd 1] lt 140 pu fd 76 lt 10] pd repeat 80 [lt 1 fd 1] pu setpos (List :x :y) pd End To bothhalfpattern :r :g :b :x :y :r2 :g2 :b2 :x2 :y2 pu setpos (List :x :y) setpencolor (List :r :g :b) repeat 35 [pd repeat 80 [rt 1 fd 1] rt 140 pu fd 76 rt 10] pd repeat 80 [rt 1 fd 1] pu setpos (List :x :y) pd pu setpos (List :x2 :y2) setpencolor (List :r2 :g2 :b2) repeat 35 [pd repeat 80 [lt 1 fd 1] lt 140 pu fd 76 lt 10] pd repeat 80 [lt 1 fd 1] pu setpos (List :x2 :y2) pu End to circle :r :g :b :length setpencolor (List :r :g :b) repeat 2880 [rt 0.125 fd :length bk :length] pu end To complexsquare :1r :1g :1b :2r :2g :2b :3r :3g :3b: :4r :4g :4b :width setpencolor (List :1r :1g :1b) repeat :width/2 [fd :width/2 rt 90 fd 0.5 rt 90 fd :width/2 lt 90 fd 0.5 lt 90] rt 270 fd :width/2 setpencolor (List :2r :2g :2b) repeat :width/2 [fd :width/2 rt 90 fd 0.5 rt 90 fd :width/2 lt 90 fd 0.5 lt 90] setpencolor (List :3r :3g :3b) fd :width/2 bk :width/2 lt 90 fd :width/2 repeat :width/2 [fd :width/2 rt 90 fd 0.5 rt 90 fd :width/2 lt 90 fd 0.5 lt 90] setpencolor (List :4r :4g :4b) fd :width/2 lt 90 fd :width/2 lt 90 repeat :width/2 [fd :width/2 rt 90 fd 0.5 rt 90 fd :width/2 lt 90 fd 0.5 lt 90] fd :width/2 lt 90 fd :width/2 rt 90 pu End to face pd arc 360 100 pu bk 20 rt 90 pd fd 40 rt 90 fd 10 rt 90 fd 80 rt 90 fd 10 rt 90 fd 5 rt 90 fd 5 repeat 3 [lt 90 fd 5] rt 90 rt 90 fd 10 rt 90 repeat 3 [fd 5 lt 90] fd 10 bk 10 rt 180 fd 20 lt 90 pu setpos [30 30] pd arc 360 20 pu setpos [-30 30] pd arc 360 20 end To mystery wait 50 pd square 128 0 0 200 pd pu bothhalfpattern 255 255 0 0 0 0 0 255 0 0 pd spiral 0 255 0 messagebox [What is it!!!] [What is it!!!] show yesnobox [Question] [What is it Y. a flower N. a fireworks] End To positionpattern :r :g :b :x :y setpencolor (List :r :g :b) setpos (list :x :y) repeat 35 [pd repeat 80 [rt 1 fd 1] rt 140 pu fd 76 rt 10] pd repeat 80 [rt 1 fd 1] pu setpos (list :x :y) pd repeat 35 [pd repeat 80 [lt 1 fd 1] lt 140 pu fd 76 lt 10] pd repeat 80 [lt 1 fd 1] pu setpos (list :x :y) pu End This is a very big program so it is located on a different page
Programs which write text in the commander Back to Top
to echo :times :word repeat :times [print :word] end print "your word phrase or number with no spaces. A_good_idea_is_to_use_these! Remember the " if it is a word.
Programs and commands which write text in the normal area Back to Top
to A :size rt 15 fd :size lt 30 bk :size fd :size/2 lt 75 fd :size/4 rt 180 fd :size/4 rt 75 fd :size/2 lt 75 pu fd :size/10 lt 90 pd End to B :size fd :size rt 90 fd :size/3 rt 45 fd :size/6 rt 45 fd :size/4 rt 45 fd :size/6 rt 45 fd :size/3 bk :size/3 lt 135 fd :size/6 rt 45 fd :size/4+3 rt 45 fd :size/6 rt 45 fd :size/3 rt 180 pu fd :size/3+:size/10+10 pd lt 90 End to C :size pu fd :size/4 pd fd :size/1.5 rt 45 fd :size/4 rt 45 fd :size/4 rt 45 fd :size/4 pu rt 45 fd :size/1.5 pd rt 45 fd :size/4 rt 45 fd :size/4 rt 45 fd :size/4 rt 135 pu fd :size/2+:size/10+2 lt 90 bk :size/5 pd end to D :size fd :size rt 90 fd :size/3 rt 45 fd :size/4 rt 45 fd :size/1.5 rt 45 fd :size/4 rt 45 fd :size/3 rt 180 pu fd :size /3+:size/5 lt 90 pd end to E :size rt 90 fd :size/2 bk :size/2 lt 90 fd :size/2 rt 90 fd :size/4 bk :size/4 lt 90 fd :size/2 rt 90 fd :size/2 pd rt 90 pu fd :size lt 90 fd :size/10 pd lt 90 end to F :size fd :size/2 rt 90 fd :size/4 bk :size/4 lt 90 fd :size/2 rt 90 fd :size/2 rt 90 pu fd :size lt 90 fd :size/10 pd lt 90 end to G :size pu fd :size/4 pd fd :size/1.5 rt 45 fd :size/4 rt 45 fd :size/4 rt 45 fd :size/4 pu rt 45 fd :size/1.5 pd rt 45 fd :size/4 rt 45 fd :size/4 rt 45 fd :size/4 rt 135 pu fd :size/2 pd fd :size/6 bk :size/6 pu lt 90 bk :size/5 rt 90 fd :size/5 lt 90 end label "your word phrase or number with no spaces. A_good_idea_is_to_use_these! Remember the " if it is a word.
Screenshots Back to Top
Multiple Turtles Back to Top
repeat 8 [setturtle repcount-1 fd 10*repcount] setturtle 1 use the numbers 1-1024
Comands used Back to Top
Inputs are written in italicSimpal:
fd number or forward numbermakes the turtle move forward. bk number or backwards numbermakes the turtle move backwards. rt number or right numbermakes the turtle move right. lt number or left numbermakes the turtle move left. Repeat number [program here] makes the turtle repeat the commands contained in the brackets. pu or penup makes the turtle not draw a line. pd or pendown makes the turtle draw a line after the pu or pen up command has been used. setpc [3 numbers seperated wth spaces up to 255] or setpencolor [3 numbers seperated wth spaces up to 255] sets the pen color. Setpos [2 numbers seperated wth spaces ] sets the position of the turtle on the screen. setfc [3 numbers seperated wth spaces up to 255] or set fill color [3 numbers seperated wth spaces up to 255] sets the fill color.More Complex:
show yesnobox [title of box here] [your message here] To program name :letter repeat 4 [fd :letter rt 90] Makes a square of te specified length be drawn. End Type in: program name number e.g square 100 will draw a square of length 100
If you would like more programs or have found any mistakes please E-mail me with some of your own.